Analytical Geochemist

This doctoral study programme is organized by the Faculty of Science in English and the studies are subject to tuition. There is an alternative option for the international applicants to be accepted in the free programme administered in Czech with the possibility of receiving a scholarship. The study language of the programme is still English (Czech is the administrative language). Before officially applying, please contact us at to find all the necessary information related to the scholarship and see our FAQ’s.

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International applicants for doctoral study (Czech and Slovak Republics applicants NOT included)
Submission deadline until midnight 15 December 2025.

What will you learn?

The aim of the interdisciplinary doctoral study program Analytical Geochemist is to prepare highly qualified specialists with knowledge and skills in the fields of Analytical Chemistry and Geology. The PhD students are prepared at two institutes of the Faculty of Science, the Institute of Chemistry and the Institute of Geological Sciences. The study is based on independent creative activity and research of experimental character under the guidance of a supervisor. The theoretical knowledge of analytical chemistry and geology, which the student acquires by completing courses with a deepening and broadening focus, is complemented by practical experience with modern techniques of instrumental analysis. Students will learn to critically evaluate the knowledge gained by studying literature and independently create publications and research reports in English. During their studies, they will acquire the pedagogical experience and the ability of management in helping with the teaching of students of bachelor or master studies. The student publishes the achieved scientific knowledge in reputable professional journals and summarizes it in the form of a doctoral dissertation. The aim of the study is also to gain a broader scientific insight, international experience and language skills, which is made possible by stays at partner workplaces at home and abroad and by active participation in national and especially international scientific conferences.

The study is designed so that the graduate is prepared not only for scientific research activities but also for the fulfilment of tasks of geological practice and generally for employment in the industry. At present, the geological activities place a strong emphasis on economic indicators of preparatory, monitoring and implementation work, which requires a multidisciplinary knowledge of the properties and behaviour of a diverse rock environment, the design of a targeted analytical procedure and the selection of a suitable methodology. Assessment of already implemented projects and their practical impacts also requires knowledge of the rock environment and analytical methods. The graduate preparedness to solve these tasks will be ensured in this doctoral study by linking basic geological disciplines with modern instrumental analytical chemistry. The graduate will master modern methods of spectrometric analysis, principles of good laboratory practice, computer processing of results and chemometry and metrology for correct evaluation of analysis results and method validation. He/she will realize the links between geosciences and analytical chemistry. He/she is able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills from both scientific disciplines to the solution of assigned tasks in the academic environment and in the industrial sphere.

Practical training

According to the Government Order, students are obliged to complete an internship abroad for at least one month. As part of the Analytical Geochemist program, a semester internship is recommended.

Further information

The Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization takes care of doctoral students SCI MU

On the department's website, you can find the following information:

  • Forms (application forms for state examinations and defences, various applications, etc. )
  • Legislation (links to: MU Study and Examination Regulations, Scholarship Regulations of MU, Terms of Scholarship Programmes of the Faculty of Science)
  • Dissertations (Guidelines for dissertations, templates)
  • Manuals (guidelines for Individual Study Plans, study and research obligations in DSP, etc.)
  • Doctoral study programmes (recommended study plans, examination committees, overview of accredited programmes)
  • Deadlines for the doctoral state examinations and defences
  • Enrolment (information needed for the enrolment to the next semester)
  • Graduation

but also office hours, contacts, news, information on skills development and scholarships.

Detailed information on stays abroad can be found on this website:

Career opportunities

By increasing the proportion of experimentally oriented courses and introducing practice, new studies strengthen the practical competencies of graduates in accordance with labor market requirements. In addition to the student's own experimental work in the implementation of research related to the dissertation topic and beyond the practice at another workplace, the current curriculum design includes approximately 30% of experimental teaching in the form of laboratory exercises. The graduate is therefore flexible; is able to adapt to the requirements of workplaces with analytical and geological focus when solving complex tasks.

Thanks to the interconnection of analytical chemistry and geology, graduates of the Analytical Geochemical Doctoral program will find employment in scientific and research institutions such as the Academy of Sciences, universities, Czech Geological Survey, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, but also in technologically oriented jobs: the collection and treatment of waste, eventually waste water treatment, in state administration, especially the environmental protection departments. Graduates will be prepared to work in the mining and energy industries, such as companies engaged in mining, geological exploration and projection, as well as in industrial companies focusing on metallurgical, engineering, glass and ceramic production.

Admission requirements

Admission procedure
The admission interview is usually in an online form and consists of two parts:
1 Expert knowledge (max. 100 points) is rated:
- for graduates in chemistry within the scope of master in analytical chemistry curriculum;
- for graduates in geology within the scope of master in geology curriculum,
2) the language part (max. 100 points) verifies the applicant's ability to study independently in English.

More information about admission process for international applicants in general can be found in the section Admission Process.

Date of the entrance exam
The applicants will receive information about the entrance exam via e-mail usually at least 10 days before the exam.
Please, always check your e-mails, including spam folders.

Conditions of admission
To be admitted, a candidate must obtain a total of at least 120 points out of 200, with at least 60 points in both parts.
Successful applicants are informed of their acceptance via e-mail and subsequently receive an invitation to the enrolment.

Programme capacity
The capacity of a given programme is not fixed; students are admitted based on a decision by the Doctoral Board after assessing their aptitude for study and motivation.


2 Jan – 15 Dec 2025

Submit your application during this period

Submit an application

Dissertation topics

Single-subject studies

Combination of laser techniques, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and solution methods for analysis of mineral and rock
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Karel Novotný, Ph.D.

Vývoj metod laserové ablace, spektroskopie laserem buzeného plazmatu LIBS a rentgenové fluorescence pro analýzu různých typů minerálů a hornin. Porovnání možností lokální analýzy s možnostmi stanovení celkového složení pomocí roztokové analýzy s využitím metod ICP-OES a ICP-MS.


doc. Mgr. Karel Novotný, Ph.D.

Determination of oil degradation in the souh-east slopes of Bohemian Massif
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Eva Geršlová, Ph.D.

In reservoir petroleum biodegradation has resulted in vast deposits of heavy oil around the globe. Biodegradation of oil results in a decrease in the hydrocarbon content and an increase in oil density, sulphur content, acidity and viscosity. Extraction of heavy oil is more costly and less efficient than conventional oil production and consequently oil biodegradation on geological timescales has significant economic and environmental impacts. To design the optimal extraction of such oils, it is necessary to understand in detailed the specific reservoir conditions that combine oil and gas composition, reservoir lithology and previously used extraction techniques.

SPECIALIZATION: The doctoral thesis focuses on determination of degree of biodegradation of oils in the reservoir of selected fields in the Czech Republic. Methods of sampling and determination of biodegradation will be designed on the basis of laboratory measurements.


doc. Mgr. Eva Geršlová, Ph.D.

Development of LIBS imaging technique for geological materials
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Karel Novotný, Ph.D.

Disertační práce navazuje na současný výzkum v rámci projektu GeoBarr. Prvkové mapování geologických vzorků pomocí spektrometrie laserem indukovaného plazmatu (LIBS) je alternativou k měření a kvantifikaci prvkové distribuce s využitím laserové ablace s hmotnostní spektrometrií v indukčně vázaném plazmatu, v současné době však LIBS poskytuje horší prostorové rozlišení i meze detekce. Optimalizace instrumentace a metodologie LIBS umožní zlepšení obou analytických parametrů.


doc. Mgr. Karel Novotný, Ph.D.

Raman spectroscopy of secondary alterations of uraninite of the eastern moldanubicum
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Jaromír Leichmann, Dr. rer. nat.

Disertační práce bude navazovat na diplomovou práci, která se v rámci projektu GeoBarr zabývala Ramanovou spektroskopií uraninitu z vybraných ložisek východního moldanubika.
Cílem práce bude rozšíření získaných Ramanovských dat o sekundární alterace tohoto minerálu. Hlavním předmětem studia bude coffinitizace, budou však zkoumány i další sekundární alterace uraninitu.
Většina vybraných vzorků bude pocházet z bývalých uranových ložisek východního moldanubika: Rožná, Rozsochy, Slavkovice. Bude se jednat o vzorky, které byly dříve analyzovány na EMS či LA ICP-MS. Ty budou změřeny metodou Ramanovy spektroskopie společně s tvorbou Ramanovských map vybraných částí minerálních zrn. Následně budou determinovány druhy sekundárních alterací.
Výsledky jednotlivých vzorků východního moldanubika budou zhodnoceny z hlediska míry sekundární alterace uraninitu.


prof. RNDr. Jaromír Leichmann, Dr. rer. nat.

Study information

Provided by Faculty of Science
Type of studies Doctoral
Mode full-time Yes
combined Yes
distance No
Study options single-subject studies Yes
single-subject studies with specialization No
major/minor studies No
Standard length of studies 4 years
Language of instruction English
Doctoral board and doctoral committees
Tuition fees
The studies are subject to tuition, fees are paid per academic year
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