Mgr. Pavel Ondračka, Ph.D.
Researcher II, Deposition of Thin films and Nanostructures
Total number of publications: 25
Optical properties of TixSi1-xO2 solid solutions
Physical Review B, year: 2017, volume: 95, edition: 19, DOI
Accurate prediction of band gaps and optical properties of HfO2
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, year: 2016, volume: 49, edition: 39, DOI
Cell proliferation on modified DLC thin films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
Biointerphases, year: 2015, volume: 10, edition: 2, DOI
Protective double-layer coatings prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition on tool steel
Surface & coatings technology, year: 2015, volume: 272, edition: June, DOI
Optimized Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition from HMDSO/O2 for Surface Protection of Metals
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract