RNDr. Ondřej Májek, Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses
Total number of publications: 381
Mammographic screening programmes in Europe: organization, coverage and participation
Journal of Medical Screening, year: 2012, volume: 19, edition: Suppl.1, DOI
Measuring performance and quality indicators of CRC screening
Year: 2012, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Národní program screeningu kolorektálního karcinomu v České republice - minulost, přítomnost a budoucnost
Gastroenterologie a Hepatologie, year: 2012, volume: 66, edition: 5
Nejnovější data v českém screeningu nádoru prsu
Year: 2012, type: Conference abstract
Nejnovější trendy v přežití onkologických pacientů v datech Národního onkologického registru ČR – výsledky projektu CZ-ONCO(Q)
Year: 2012, type: Conference abstract
Performance of Screening Colonoscopy Centres in a Nationwide Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme: Evaluation Using Hierarchical Bayesian Model
Year: 2012, type: Conference abstract
Quality control of 82,771 screening colonoscopies within the national colorectal cancer screening programme in the Czech Republic
Year: 2012, type: Conference abstract
Quality control of colonoscopies in the national colorectal cancer screening program in the Czech Republic
Year: 2012, type: Conference abstract
Quality control of colonoscopies in the national colorectal cancer screening programme in the Czech Republic
Year: 2012, type: Conference abstract
Survival from colorectal cancer in Germany in the early 21st century
British journal of cancer, year: 2012, volume: 106, edition: 11, DOI