Mgr. Michaela Kňažková, Ph.D.
výzkumnice II – Geografický ústav
korespondenční adresa:
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno
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Počet publikací: 33
Morphometry of sorted circles around hyaloclastite breccia boulders on James Ross Island, Eastern Antarctic Peninsula region
Proceedings: Students in Polar andAlpine Research Conference 2017, rok: 2017
Overview of the Czech permafrost, active layer and periglacial research on James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula
Rok: 2017
Thermal-induced sorting of fine-grained ground in the surrounding of hyaloclastite breccia boulders on James Ross Island
Ambientes periglaciares: avances en su estudio, valoración patrimonial y riesgos asociados, rok: 2017