3 May 2023, 15:37  |  Čeština

Newsletter for employees

Mendel, the Man – series of articles

Dean Tomáš Kašparovský: The basis of success is an idea

The author of the final part of our series of articles Mendel, the Man is the Dean of the MU Faculty of Science, Professor Tomáš Kašparovský. In Johann Gregor Mendel inspires − the basis of success is an idea, Dean Kašparovský talks about why Mendel is inspiring for him personally, as a scientist and educator, and about pushing the boundaries of knowledge and science.

J. G. Mendel inspires Mendel, a passionate beekeeper


New premises will be needed for further development of the faculty

Space constraints are one of the key factors preventing further development at many departments of the Faculty of Science of MU. This is based on the recommendations of the international qualitative evaluation of research and doctoral studies, which the faculty underwent and which the Vice-Dean for Research, Development and Quality Jaromír Leichmann was in charge of. The following interview provides information on what other recommendations came out of the evaluation, how they will be dealt with and what tasks await the Vice-Dean for Development after the evaluation is over.

Interview with J. Leichmann

Pavel Hyršl has received the MUNI Innovation Award 2023

The research of Pavel Hyršl has made a positive contribution in the fields of beekeeping, ecological relationships and agriculture. The results have provided an overview of the changes in parasitised bee bodies that result in impaired health and the death of bee colonies. Congratulations on the award.

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HR Award – HR Strategy for Researchers, HRS4R

HR Award Renewal Workshop

We would like to invite all employees and PhD students of the Faculty of Science MU to a workshop by Irish evaluator Mary Kate O'Regan from University College Cork which will take place on May 11, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. in the lower meeting room at the Dean's Office on Kotlářská Street. The main topic of the seminar will be preparation for the Renewal of HR Award and Site Visit.

Details & Registration

Success Stories

Getting practice into teaching means not lecturing phone books but getting students to look for solutions

Biochemist Vladimír Velebný, whose company Contipro is one of the three most successful hyaluronic acid producers in the world, will participate in teaching the subject of biotechnological processes as part of the follow-up Master's degree in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University. Hyaluronic acid already has a huge application in cosmetics, but there is much more potential for development in the healthcare sector. Students will learn the latest news in this fast-developing field and at the same time get a glimpse under the hood of a master in turning knowledge into a successful business.

Interview with V. Velebný

The faculty management have had talks with the student body about relations between students and teachers

On Monday 13 March, student representatives from the Programme Board and the Academic Senate discussed ways to improve relations between students and staff with representatives of the Faculty. The meeting was initiated by Dean Tomáš Kašparovský in response to increasing cases of inappropriate behaviour at other faculties in the Czech Republic.

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HR Award – HR Strategy for Researchers, HRS4R

New Information Security Policy at the SCI MUNI

From 1 April 2023, information security at the Faculty of Science is regulated by the new Dean's Directive No.1/2023 Information Security Policy. The document regulates access to data, software and hardware of the faculty as an employer. Let's look further at what all is related to the new directive.

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Success Stories

The Masaryk University has a genius loci for me. It is a place that has given me optimism and a sense of life for 55 years

Libuše Trnková studied Chemistry and Physics as a teacher. After graduation in 1970 she was accepted for a postgraduate course at the Research Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry. She is currently a professor at the Department of Chemistry. Her research work is oriented in the field of biophysical chemistry and bioelectrochemistry.

Interview with L. Trnková

Brno PhD Talent

The City of Brno has presented awards to 13 young scientists from the Faculty of Science

On March 21, 2023, Doctoral students received prestigious scholarships for further scientific work. The award ‘Brno PhD Talent’ was presented to 25 young researchers, 18 of whom work at Masaryk University, 13 of them at the Faculty of Science. Congratulations to all the recipients!

The celebratory evening at the New Town Hall in Brno was also attended by the Minister for Science, Research and Innovation, Helena Langšádlová. “You are creating something extraordinary that will make a fundamental contribution to the success of the Czech Republic”, Minister Langšádlová said.

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Success Stories

Education requires teamwork, with responsibility on both sides of the teacher’s desk

Jan Böhm, from RECETOX, teaches students biostatistics, teamworking and how to undertake interdisciplinary studies. What do you wish for teachers on Teachers Day? Is it possible to teach relay programming? How did he win the Rector's Award for Outstanding Teachers? You can read about all this and more in the interview below.

Interview with Jan Boehm

Science and Research

Are you interested in the physical parameters of our current Czech population? You can find them on the A.D.A.P.T. software platform!

The A.D.A.P.T. platform is an outcome of the Anthropological DAtabase of body ProporTions project, which was undertaken by a team of specialists at the Department of Anthropology (MUNI SCI), with the support of the Ministry of the Interior. The project arises from the traditional focus of our discipline on describing somatic characteristics of human populations and groups and puts these findings to practical use. The goal of the project was to provide manufacturers and product designers with a tool which allows them to combine their work with the most up-to-date data about the outlook of the Czech population. Included are somatic physical parameters, data about the internal body composition acquired through magnetic resonance imaging and 3D body models. The platform is aimed to be used in clothing, medical device and furniture manufacturing, automotive industry, or personal protective equipment design.

Science and Research

The expedition to Masaryk University’s Antarctic Station has fulfilled its goals and has now returned to the Czech Republic

All the scientific goals that the 23 members of this year’s Masaryk University (MU) expedition, who set off for Antarctica two months ago, have been fulfilled and the two expedition groups, the first of which operated from the J. G. Mendel Czech Science Station on James Ross Island, and the second at the technical-logistics base on Nelson Island, have now returned to the Czech Republic. According to plan, just one scientist, the Ukrainian Anton Puhovkin, has remained in Antarctica, and he will continue to work for our program from the Ukrainian station.

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Science and Research

The GRBAlpha nanosatellite observed the most powerful cosmic explosion since the beginning of human civilisation

On Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022, a pulse of intense radiation swept through the solar system so exceptional that astronomers quickly dubbed it the BOAT – the brightest of all time. The source was a gamma-ray burst (GRB), the most powerful class of explosions in the universe. The burst triggered detectors on numerous spacecraft, and observatories around the globe and was also observed by the world's smallest astrophysical satellite, GRBAlpha.

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Teachers' Day Interview

Inner satisfaction from teaching is great and gives meaning to life

Can you imagine your life without teaching? Why is it beautiful for her to impart knowledge and share her fascination for knowledge? On the occasion of Teachers' Day, we asked Jana Šmardová.

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Mapathon at the Department of Geography with record and media participation

On Wednesday, 29 March 2023, the Department of Geography hosted the traditional Mapathon. Students and the public map various locations (where more detailed maps are lacking) based on available satellite images as part of humanitarian aid. This time, the Mapathon mapped the town of Magaria in Niger for a malaria mosquito control campaign organized by Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontiéres - MSF). The event was filmed by student TV.

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Teachers' Day Interview

Teaching means knowing − not only what to teach, but also how to offer experience, knowledge, ideas, how to encourage and support students

What message does she send to applicants to study teaching? What does teaching give her? In what ways is teaching a mission for her? On the occasion of Teachers' Day, we asked Libuše Trnková, who has been teaching at the faculty for 50 years.

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The Natural Sciences Association helps, but also knows how to have fun

Students from the Natural Sciences Association have been active over the early spring period organising a number of great events that everyone at the Faculty of Science can enjoy. After participating in organising the Faculty Ball in February, they tidied up the mess around campus in March and then prepared an Easter ‘Blood Cell’ Hunt.

Read more and see the photo gallery  Externí odkaz

OICT has launched a redesigned website

Office for Information and Communications Technologies (OICT) has launched a redesigned website. The website now provides information in thematic areas, including news and service outages. The entire site is accompanied by a simple division of information into faculty level (green buttons) and university level (blue buttons). The most searched pages include information on faculty and university-wide service outages, building access requests and contact details for ICT administrators at departments and units.


Interviews with our students

To study and play top-level sport you need careful preparation and perseverance

Reconciling studies at Masaryk University’s (MU) Faculty of Science with top-level training requires good planning and continuous preparation. Anežka Hlaváčová is in her second year of studying Experimental and Molecular Biology and represents the Czech Republic in ski orienteering, also known as Ski-O. She won a bronze in the Junior World Championships in Estonia, and at the beginning of February she won two silvers and a bronze in the World Cup under 23 women’s category in Austria. She finished 11th overall in the World Championships, and 4th in the U23 World Championships.

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I learn to see the world in context

Although many people imagined Aneta Vrzalová as a medical student, she preferred to study Environment and Health at the MU Faculty of Science. In her undergraduate studies, she has already been actively involved in the FireExpo research project - investigating how the firefighter profession negatively affects their physical health. She enjoys being part of the "real" science that impacts people's lives.

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MjUNI students saw live bats and silkworm cocoons on campus

The Bohunice campus came alive on Saturday 25 March 2023 with lectures and workshops for the students of the Masaryk Junior University MjUNI and their parents. As part of the sixth teaching day, 250 participants aged 9-18 had the opportunity to try their hand at working in state-of-the-art laboratories and other specialised departments at the Faculty of Science, CEITEC and the Faculty of Sports Studies.

Read more and see the photo gallery  Externí odkaz

Ongoing Competitions and Awards

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Events calendar

11 Oct – 25 Mar

Bohatství Země

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1 – 27 Feb

Práh jižní Morava - 25 years towards to mental health

Panel exhibition

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1 – 27 Feb


An exhibition of objects made of glass

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20 Feb

Flora and vegetation types of high mountains of the Iranian Plateau

Botanical seminar | In English

Speaker: Jalil Noroozi, University of Vienna

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27 Feb

Applied Health Economics Online Open Day #3

Shape the data-driven future of healthcare! Join us on 27 February for an online Open Day to find out all about the new Master's degree programme in Applied Health Economics (www.econ.muni.cz/ahe). We'll discuss the admissions procedure, the curriculum, internships or graduate jobs. You will also find out about the possibility of applying for a scholarship to cover a large part of the tuition fees.

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27 Feb

Complex of Dactylorhiza maculata agg. in Central Europe

Botanical seminar | in Czech

Speaker: Vojtěch Taraška

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4 Mar

From profiling to biochemical insights - Bioinformatics & Mass Spectrometry (INNOLEC | MUNI SCI)

Steffen Neumann

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5 Mar

Seminars with the chairman of the Czech Science Foundation, prof. Milan Jirsa

  • What competitions does GA ČR offer this year and for whom are they intended?
  • What does GA ČR plan for the future?
  • Who is involved in the evaluation process?
  • Presentation of news
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6 Mar

Present and Future of MIA-LAB: The microbiota-immunity axis on human diseases (INNOLEC | MUNI SCI)

Amedeo Amedei

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6 Mar

Macroecology of Plant Invasions. A story of data rabbit holes & flexible project planning & policy relevance & An introduction to iDiv, an exciting work place & science funder for biodiversity research (INNOLEC | MUNI SCI)

Marten Winter

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13 Mar

Illuminating The Beginning Of Life (Seminar Series)


Mendel´s refectory in the Mendel Museum Brno

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15 Mar

Ball of the MU Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science, in cooperation with the Society of Natural Scientists, cordially invites you to the Faculty of Science Ball! Come and enjoy an unforgettable evening filled with music, dancing, and surprises.

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20 Mar

Microbial Communication Colloquium Stars: Natural Products from Interacting Microorganisms and Ancient Microbiomes (Seminar Series)


Lecture will be held in English

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27 Mar

Molecular Signature Fetal Astrocyte Evolution in Primates (Seminar Series)


Lecture will be held in English

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3 Apr

Gaining Insight Into Pre-mRNA Splicing By The Spliceosome (Seminar Series)


Mendel´s refectory in the Mendel Museum Brno

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10 Apr

Tumor Endothelium as a Modulator of Immune Responses in Cancer Metastasis (Seminar Series)


Lecture will be held in English

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17 Apr

Structure-guided Development of Therapeutic and Diagnostic Solutions for Chagas’ Disease (Seminar Series)


Lecture will be held in English

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24 Apr

The Enemy Within - How Does The Immune System Sense DNA As A Danger Signal? (Seminar Series)


Mendel´s refectory in the Mendel Museum Brno

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15 May

Centrophilic Retrotransposons in Eukaryotic Genomes (Seminar Series)


Lecture will be held in English

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News from M Magazine

University leaves TikTok and warns against its use  Externí odkaz

Martin Bareš wins second term as MU Rector  Externí odkaz

MU student receives prestigious Werner von Siemens Award  Externí odkaz

102 fresh doctors met at doctoral graduation ceremony  Externí odkaz

Belarusian students thank Masaryk and university for support  Externí odkaz

Brno Ph.D. Talent: 18 young scientists are from MU  Externí odkaz

Ukrainian scientist to join expedition to MU Antarctic station  Externí odkaz

The editorial deadline for the next employee newsletter is June 4, 2023. Please send your articles in Czech and English to pr@sci.muni.cz and we will be happy to publish them.

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Masaryk University

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